Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Group Project

All Fashion Design sophomores at Parsons were divided into groups of four in order to design a collection... as a group.

My group focused on a narrative about a woman who is slightly disconnected from society.  She can't seem to connect with people easily.  She has a quiet beauty and is filled with longing. 

As a group we collected these inspiration images below.

Photo by Ansel Adams

 Painting by Wyeth

Painting by Wyeth

 Unknown source

Photo by Ansel Adams

Photo by Diane Arbus 

-----------------------------------Next, we all began sketching---------------------------------

My Sketches

Zoe's Sketches

Rebecca's Sketches

 Sam's Sketches

-----------------------------After another week, we combined our sketches-------------------------

-----------------------------And here is the final collection-------------------------

Illustrations rendered by Sam in part paint, pencil, and collage.

Zelda Fitzgerald Collection

This collection was inspired by the life and paintings of Zelda Fitzgerald.

Painting by Zelda Fitzgerald. 

Painting by Zelda Fitzgerald. 

First round of sketches made by collaging Zelda's paintings into rough shapes.

Prints designed based on the paintings.

Mood board--Zelda surrounded by her work.

Final collection
Illustrations rendered by hand in part collage, marker, pencil, and fabric.

Yellow Dress

This dress was a transitional piece from my Identity Collection into the Zelda Fitzgerald Collection.

Dress designed and sewn by me.
Fabrication: lacquered tweed lined with poly charmeuse and leather belt.
Modeled by Ashley Wilson. 


Identity Collection

Thinking about how identity is something that's constantly in flux

Photos from the High Line. Thinking about how the identity of the High Line has been redefined.

Medical illustrations--thinking about how the internal mechanics of the body are never stationary.

Photos of dilapidated buildings (taken by Bailey Higgins)
Thinking about decay and how this becomes a new identity.

 Initial sketches/ideas

Final collection.
The collection moves from a mostly wool fabrication to mostly chiffon.

Illustrations rendered by hand in marker and colored pencil.

Pier 62 Collection

This garment was inspired by Manhattan's Pier 62.
I love to walk to the pier and watch light dance across the surface of the water.

This dress is made from bleached silk taffeta.
Bleaching silk is a very delicate process because the beach eats away at the silk. 
The bleach reveals a new color in the taffeta 
and the effect is made to look like light on the surface of water. 

Fabric dyed and sewn by me.
Modeled by Ashley Wilson.

The Body as Canvas

Second project at Parsons--The Body as Canvas
Exploring restriction of movement and confinement.

Sketchbook collage

 Photos of draping experiments.

 Sketchbook showing process from drape to drawing and back to draping again.

 Sketchbook showing final idea of clothing that buttons closed for confinement, but could be unbuttoned for freedom.

Final sketches and white shirt that can be buttoned tightly or unbuttoned and loose.

1950's Collages

Parsons summer homework 2011
Exploration of a decade in fashion history--the 1950's.